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Pr. Harold Novak heard the Lord call him to ministry in his childhood. He always looked up to the ministers who served in the church, and felt a call to serve the Lord when he will grow old. Therefore, he had this life goal, that he will prepare for ministering God’s people, wherever the Lord will place him.

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My Story

In 2011, after completing his high school education he attended Adventus University in South Eastern Romania where he completed his Bachelor in Theology and Master of Arts in Religion, affiliated with Andrews University, Michigan, USA. During his study years, he served as assistant pastor in two different churches in Romania. During his studies he met his better half Irina, they joined their life in 2014, and since then, they are serving the Lord together.


In 2016 they participated in a mission crusade in the Philippines. That experience helped them understand the struggles as well as the beauties and the blessings of ministry. Thus, after returning from the Philippines, they got called to serve as missionaries on the Island of Cyprus. He served in the city of Larnaka for a little over one year. 


In 2017 he got a call from the Toronto Hungarian SDA Church to serve in Toronto as a Bible Worker. At the end of 2017, they accepted the call and they moved to Canada. Pastor Novac served the Hungarian church as a Bible worker in the following months, and in 2019 he got a call from the Ontario Conference to take over the pastoral position of the Hungarian and Cambridge SDA churches. He accepted the call and together with his wife, they are serving both churches faithfully since 2019.
The Novak’s love the Lord, serve Him with joy and cordially invite everyone to join them in preparing for the glorious day of Jesus’ appearance as King of Kings to take His children home.

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